Aramark STAR Complex Weight Room Information

Aramark STAR Complex Weight Room

地址:1800n. 15日圣. 在第15街的拐角处进去 & 蒙哥马利大街)

Main Phone Number: 215-204-2700

Alexis Schmit--215-204-9697 or 亚历克西斯


The Aramark STAR Complex Weight Room is 校园娱乐's weightlifting facility that is home to over 50 pieces of strength equipment.  The weight room provides users with 20 barbell training stations, 10个板载站, 12 cable/pulley selectorized stations, 4 platforms equipped with bumper plates, and a dumbbell area with weights ranging from 5-120 pounds.  This facility does not offer any cardio equipment - a full array of cardio can be found in our IBC Student Recreation Center.  另外, this facility does not have locker rooms - only a men's, 女性的, 性别包容厕所.  The facility can get crowded at peak hours of the day, 6-10am, 1-3pm, or 7-11pm are hours when the facility tends to be not as crowded.      


  1. Patrons must be 18 years or older and have valid 校园娱乐 access to enter 校园娱乐 facilities.
  2. Patrons must produce a valid 亿德体育 issued identification upon request.
  3. Use of 校园娱乐 facilities and programs is voluntary. Patrons assume all risk associated with participation.
  4. The following actions are cause for immediate dismissal from the facility and may result in temporary or permanent loss of privileges:
    • 行为不检
    • 不得体的行为
    • Abuse of facility or equipment
    • 虐待工作人员
    • Disregard for 校园娱乐 policies
    • Violation of university policies or procedures including, 但不限于, 学生行为准则
  5. Personal items that are not in use must be stored in a locker. 校园娱乐 is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  6. Food and non-sealed beverages are restricted to lounge areas. All drinks must be in sealed, non-glass containers while in activity areas.
  7. Unauthorized use of camera/video/audio recording devices is prohibited. Authorization must be in writing and may only be provided by 校园娱乐 full-time staff.
  8. All accidents/injuries or incidents are to be reported to 校园娱乐 staff immediately.
  9. Equipment must be used as intended by the manufacturer.
  10. Staff have the right to prohibit any outside fitness equipment.
  11. Proper footwear is required at all times. Proper footwear is defined as footwear that has a rubber, non-marking sole and covers the entire heel and top of the foot.
  12. Shirt/top must be worn at all times within 校园娱乐 facilities.
  13. Personal music playing devices must be used with headphones at all times.
  14. Personal Training services may only be administered by 校园娱乐 staff. Unauthorized Personal Training is strictly prohibited.
  15. Weights must be controlled at all times. Slamming, dropping and throwing of weights or equipment is prohibited.
  16. Return all weights and equipment to proper storage areas after use.
  17. Organized groups must receive proper approval to utilize any space within 校园娱乐 facilities.
  18. All patrons must enter and exit through the designated main access point. All other entrances are alarmed and monitored.

STAR奥林匹克综合设施 & 力量举重政策

  1. Platform use is restricted to one individual at a time. Spotting of Olympic lifts is prohibited.
  2. All Olympic style lifts must be performed on a power rack platform.
  3. Weight must be controlled throughout the entirety of the lift and cannot be dropped from above the knee.
  4. 所有露天升降机(i.e – deadlifts, rows) are restricted to the area behind the half racks. Lifts done in open area cannot come higher than hip height.
  5. Clips must be used on all barbells. Staff members are trained to assist with spotting.
  6. The use of bumper plates is required for all open area and Olympic lifts.
  7. All equipment must be returned to proper storage locations when not in use.
  8. All racks must be used with adjustable safety bar stoppers.